Saturday. 2d.

Morning clear and weather fine. I began my morning’s studies, by seriously reviewing the Oration for the Crown by Aeschines upon 21which I propose now to study one hour every morning. Then to the Office where I was engaged in my Accounts, until eleven, when I went to call for my Wife and Mrs. Frothingham to go and see Audubon’s Engravings of American Birds.1 They are of the natural size and certainly splendid as well from the Ornithology as the Botany they display. We remained an hour.

I returned to the Office and was worried afterwards by Tenants coming which now annoys me exceedingly. I wish I could afford to throw up the thing. A short walk. Afternoon, pursuing the study of Cicero, but owing to low spirits and listlessness I did not progress very far, with the Oration for Flaccus. Evening, reading Parry to my Wife, and began Weddel’s Voyage to the South Pole.2 He went farther than any body and says he saw a clear Sea, which is extraordinary enough. Read the Spectator upon Wit—Some valuable papers.


Perhaps Audubon’s engravings were included under the rubric “Domestic Birds and Animals, colored” in the collection of “Beautiful Engravings & Lithographies” to be sold at auction at the Julien Auction Rooms, Milk and Congress streets, and on display there (Boston Daily Advertiser, 2 April, p. 3, col. 6).


James Weddell, A Voyage towards the South Pole ... in ... 1822–1824, London, 1825.

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